Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Error Correction Coding Receiver - Part 2

The first thing needed to decode a linear block code in hardware is a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR). To implement this in programmable logic, a generic block such as that shown below can be written. It is easily customizable for different generator polynomials by adding registers as needed, and by changing the generic parameter that describes the p0lynomial g, with the most-significant degree on the left. This example shows the polynomial

x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + 1.

The term x^5 is implied in the generic parameter since the length of the register is 5. Messages are shifted in and out most-significant-bit first (where the highest bit is the coefficient of the highest degree term in the polynomial.)

This code block has a mode with feedback enabled, and a shift-only mode for shifting out the result.

module lfsr(
input rst_n,
input clk,
input d,
input en,
input calc_shft_n,
output q

reg [4:0] shift;

parameter g = 5'b11001;

assign q = shift[4];

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
if (!rst_n)
shift <= 5'b00000;
if (en)
if (calc_shft_n) begin
shift[0] <= d ^ shift[4];
shift[1] <= shift[0] ^ (shift[4] & g[1]);
shift[2] <= shift[1] ^ (shift[4] & g[2]);
shift[3] <= shift[2] ^ (shift[4] & g[3]);
shift[4] <= shift[3] ^ (shift[4] & g[4]);
else begin
shift[0] <= d;
shift[1] <= shift[0];
shift[2] <= shift[1];
shift[3] <= shift[2];
shift[4] <= shift[3];

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