So how hard would it be to come up with a FIR filter that meets certain performance requirements? Well, you can play around with the Python SciPy and NumPy libraries and check the performance of your filter in a few easy lines.
Design a FIR filter and show the frequency response in
a few easy lines
from scipy import signal
from pylab import *
Window types: boxcar, triang, blackman, hamming,
hanning, bartlett, parzen, bohman, blackmanharris,
nuttall, barthann, kaiser (needs beta),
gaussian (needs std),
general_gaussian (needs power, width),
slepian (needs width)
def dbPlot(w, h):
plot(w, 20 * log(abs(h)) / log(10))
# firwin(number of taps, cutoff relative to Nyquist
# rate, window type)
b = signal.firwin(31, 0.4, window='nuttall')
# freqz(list of zeroes, list of poles)
(w, h) = signal.freqz(b, 1)
plot(w, log(abs(h))/log(10)*20)
This gives me a nice graphic:

You can play around with different windows, as shown in the code comments, or add taps as needed to get the right transition and attenuation.
how to show input signal in this progarm